Thursday 23 January 2014

Why should you set New Year's Resolutions?

Now I know there are mixed feelings about setting New Year's Resolutions. Some people swear by them, others refuse to make them and others try to keep them to the best of their ability. I, personally have been all 3 at different stages in my life! Maybe you have too! But I have come to the conclusion that they are a great thing to do!

I'm not really one for saying what you 'should' or 'shouldn't' do - that's down to freedom of choice.

I'm guessing some people would actually like to make them but don't incase they will be disappointed if they don't go well. If that's you, then this article is definitely for you! Others prefer to just go along with the flow and if that's their secret recipe to a happy, fulfilling life then great. But if they go along with the flow and don't have a happy and fulfilling life, then considering setting resolutions could be good for them.

What is a resolution?

So first of all, let's look at the definition of a resolution.  It's simply 'a firm decision to do or not do something'. So this would indicate a 'determination'.  Unfortunately, many resolutions are set without a determination to succeed - hence the reason why so many can fail. Now failure is another word which is misconstrued! Failure is 'not achieving the desired result' but I believe there's a word missing. That word is "Yet".  Failure is one of life's important lessons but unfortunately, many of us are afraid of it. By failing, that's how we learn to do things differently. When babies are trying to learn to walk, they don't think they are failures! They work out what to do differently and they keep trying! Thomas Edison's quote "I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways which won't work" sums it up nicely.

So if we've established that a good resolution is to be determined to achieve something and that we learn from our mistakes along the way, that's a great start to setting resolutions.

So why do we need resolutions?

Without resolutions, we can just drift along in our day to day life a bit like a ship in the sea without a compass! When you know where you are going, you have focus. By having focus, you can go to many places rather than drifting!

Rather than just setting wishy-washy resolutions without focus, there are ways you can set them to keep you focused and motivated. If you'd like to find out what these are, I have a free report which you can download here:

One final word …

Resolutions aren't only restricted to being set in the New Year! You can set them any time of the year. In fact, they are even better if they are reviewed regularly throughout the year. This helps to keep you focused, determined & motivated and you can tweak them if necessary. 

Good luck! I hope you make some resolutions if you haven't already and I hope you achieve them. I also hope you grow and learn along your way! You learn so much about yourself when you set resolutions. That's a reason in itself to set them!