Wednesday 23 October 2013

Autumn Newsletter - Embracing Change

I Can Life Coaching -
Autumn Newsletter


Embracing Change

Welcome to the Autumn Newsletter and what better time to talk about change with the beautiful change in season and gorgeous leaf colours around us!

I hope you like the picture above - As well as representing the autumn colours nicely, I thought it also represented 'change' nicely too:  We can see the first few steps going upwards in front of us yet we know there is more beyond them, we just can't see them yet - we're going into the unknown!

Sometimes this unknown creates fear and other times it creates excitement. Whether you embrace or fear change, it is happening around us all of the time. For some of us it's an exciting adventure whereas for others it can be frightening. We can have a mixture of emotions ranging from excitement and anticipation to denial, anger and guilt. Sometimes, we can feel incompetent with a new experience and other times we can feel excited. It's important to acknowledge our feelings however we feel - as our feelings are our guiders and protectors. Our feelings come from our thoughts and lead onto our actions. So it's important to listen to them. Once we listen to them and acknowledge them for what they really are, we are then able to make a judgement call on how to deal with them.

Sometimes our fears can inhibit us and stop us from changing.  We like what we know and we feel comfortable and confident there. The problem can arise though when we get stuck there. Whilst some fears are justified (for example, don't put your hand in fire) others can be unwarranted (for example, don't leave your house incase something happens to you).  I give extremes here to highlight the difference. What is important, is to understand our thoughts 'consciously'. We often live our lives subconsciously (which is necessary as we don't really want to be consciously thinking about walking, blinking etc)! Our subconscious mind makes up about 95% of our thinking! However, sometimes, some of our subconscious thoughts can overtake our thinking to the detriment of living a happy and fulfilling life - that's where conscious thinking comes in. Again, some conscious thoughts help us and some hinder us. It's important to raise our awareness to these thoughts so we can choose the best decision for us. We need to listen to our inner self to understand if this is a real fear (i.e. don't burn your hand) or an unlikely fear.

Sometimes, the best decision comes from leaving our Comfort Zone (see opposite picture on the right). The middle represents our comfort zone, the bit that we know and feel comfortable and confident in. The outside represents our panic zone - this is where you try something which is far beyond your reach, which makes things too scary. Then we have the bit in-between - which is your stretch zone - this is where most of your growth takes part, it just stretches you a little bit but not too much to make you panic! When you operate in this zone, you are constantly learning and growing. You can try new things and experience life here!

Once we are ready to accept change, we can move forward happy and confident with our learning experience onto a new beginning. After all, life is for experiencing and enjoying our journey.  Don't forget to stop and explore all of your steps along the way as often the beauty can be found along the journey rather than the destination!
If you need a helping hand on dealing with change in your life or if you would like to find out more about
Life Coaching, please feel free to call me for a chat on
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How are you getting on with your New Year's Resolutions this year?!

Please don't feel bad if you gave up on them months ago! Apparently 80% of people give up on them. Look on the bright side - You still have just over 2 months to achieve them.

Was it the change that stopped you from achieving them? Were you being pushed out of your comfort zone maybe? Did you start off excited then lost your motivation? Or was it your fears - we can have a fear of success as well as failure! Was it that real life got in the way?

Well now you've read the article on the left, you may start to think about what stopped you 'consciously' and resurrect them again. Think how good you will feel if you still achieve them.

Maybe you could write down the things that got in your way and look at them objectively to see how you can overcome those obstacles.

Whatever the reason and however you overcome your obstacles, you can still do it! If you're finding it difficult to do so on your own, please feel free to contact me as you may have something blocking you which needs unblocking!
The Serenity Prayer

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference"

Reinhold Niebuhr
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Lao Tzu
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All content in my newsletters is based on my own opinion, whether from my training, books I've read or my own life experience. You are responsible for your own choices and actions as you are the true expert on your life!

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