Tuesday 6 May 2014

Making the impossible possible

They said it could never be done. Running a mile in under 4 minutes. Yet 60 years ago today, Roger Bannister did it.  He set himself a vision until he achieved it. And since then, many others have done it too. Was that possibly because they then 'believed' it was possible?

Setting a vision and persevering is the key for many. Overcoming the limiting beliefs which get in your way is crucial as they can stop you from achieving what is possible. Often we don't try as we don't believe it's possible but if you can just break through those barriers and ask yourself what if it were possible, then just think of what you could do. The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. So whilst this journey at first may seem daunting, each step gets us closer to the end.

Now obviously there are some things in life which are impossible for example 'Becoming invisible!' or 'Flying to the moon without the correct equipment'! But even those examples can become possible with the right props!

When you set a goal and take it a step at a time, just look at what you can achieve. That's exactly what Roger Bannister did. He had a vision and then he broke it down bit by bit until he achieved it. He needed to believe it was possible in order to even try!

The power of the mind and the determination to succeed made his dream come true. Then when other people realised it actually was possible, they too did it!

What areas in your life could you apply this to. What gets in your way and how can you overcome those obstacles bit by bit, one step at a time? When you start doing it gradually, before you know it, you've achieved it!  Good Luck and don't forget I'm here if you need a little bit of a helping hand!

With love and best wishes.


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