Thursday 22 November 2012

The A-Z snapshot on how Life Coaching will benefit you

Welcome to the A-Z of Life Coaching where I will give you a greater understanding of Life Coaching and how it will help you.

A - Awareness
One of the main areas around Life Coaching is raising your awareness so you realise what's going on for you, what helps you and what stops you. This will enable you to take the necessary steps to move forward.

B - Beliefs
You have empowering beliefs which help you move forward and you have limiting beliefs which stop you from progressing.  Life Coaching helps you look at the limiting beliefs which are holding you back so you are able to let them go.  For example a common limiting belief is "I'm not good enough". Well, you certainly are good enough and if you're really not, what can you do to be good enough! Life Coaches will also raise your awareness to your empowering beliefs too!

C - Confidence

You will gain more confidence as you realise your unlimited true potential and will be able to move out of your comfort zone to achieve your true desires in life.

D - Development

Life Coaching is all about learning which will enable you to grow and develop. You will grow so much throughout the process.  Hence why my personal logo is a tree - to show you have your roots and a core but you also have unlimited potential to grow and branch out too!

E - Energy
As you grow and develop, you will gain more energy making positive changes in your life which will empower you to be the real you.

F - Focus

You will gain focus on what you really want enabling you to let go of the things that aren't important.

G - Goals

Goals, Goals, Goals - are all about Life Coaching. Without goals or aims, you can almost drift.  I think it's like driving a car to a new place but not having a map/sat nav/signs to get there. By having a plan, you know exactly where you are going to enable you to get there.  Life Coaching will teach you more about goals than you ever knew! It's not just about making them SMART! (Please let me know if you want to know more about smart goals).

H - Happiness

H has to be for happiness.  You will certainly become a lot happier when you have a plan in life and you know what steps you need to take to get there.  You will have confidential, non-judgemental support from your Life Coach to help you get there and help you overcome any obstacles or challenges you may face.  Your Life Coach should be with you every step of the way.

I - Inspiration

You will be inspired and motivated to take the necessary steps to become a new improved you.  You will be able to turn your 'I wants' to 'I cans'!

J - Juggle
You will be able to juggle your life more efficiently as you focus on what's important to you.  You will be able to have the life/work balance you require.  Notice I put life first.  Even if work is your life, life is still what's driving you! LIFE stands for 'Life Is For Enjoying!'

K - Key
You personally hold the key to your life - nobody else.  Through Life Coaching, you will realise that you are in control of your life. You have the choices.  Life Coaching will help you see more clearly so you are able to make the right choices for you.

L - Living

"Are you living?" or "Are you living ?! Life Coaching helps you see if you are generally drifting through life or are you really living the life you want.  You have the ability, power and control to be able to live the life you want. Life Coaching can help you see how to do that.

M - Mind State
Life Coaching helps put you back in control of your mind state.  Your subconscious mind is brilliant. In fact it is amazing at the way it protects you but sometimes in can be overprotective. This could be good but it might not be. For example, if you have always been told you are 'useless' throughout your life, you might start to believe that and act accordingly. Through Life Coaching, you will be able to explore and make the right decisions for you consciously. Did you know we have about 60,000 thoughts a day. So many of them are negative thoughts (unfortunately) which hold us back.  Through Life Coaching, you will find ways to focus on your positive thoughts more to help you move forward. Life Coaching will show you ways to change your mind state so it works for you.

N - Needs
Life Coaching helps you understand your needs and what's important to you. Needs being your 'values' in life.  Any goals you set must be congruent with your values or you will find it extremely difficult to achieve them. Life Coaches raise your awareness to your values to help you live congruently.

O - Obstacles
A lot of Life Coaching is looking at the obstacles and challenges which prevent you from moving forward and discovering new ways to overcome them.

P - Perspective
You will be able to look at your life through different perspectives and by gaining powerful insights and clarity, you will be able to choose the right perspective for you!

Q - Quicker Results
You probably thought I would have chosen Questions for Q but I figured you already know that.  Often when you don't question, you just drift through life so through powerful questions, tools and techniques, Life Coaching can help you achieve results quickly.

R - Responsibility
Life Coaching encourages you to take responsibility for your life rather than letting life control you. In fact, Life Coaching helps you realise that you are 'response-able' through your actions.

S - Strengths
We all have different strengths and it is a Life Coach's responsibility to draw your strengths to your attention as often we don't always realise exactly what our strengths are and we forget about them and how we can use them to help us.  I am also a trained DISC Personality Profiling Practitioner so I can help you identify your strengths. I do DISC workshops so you can understand all the personality types. Please let me know if you would be interested in attending a workshop in the Cotswolds!

T - Tools
Life Coaching uses lots of tools and techniques which are fun and interesting to help you with all aspects of your life.

U - Unstuck
Life Coaching helps you if you are stuck in an area in your life. You will be able to identify and therefore overcome your obstacles.  Everyone has unlimited potential and everyone is unique in their own way.  If only the birds with the best songs sang, it would be a very quiet forest.  We all need to have our own song to make a chorus!

V - Vision
As the late Stephen Covey said "Begin with the End in Mind".  Life Coaches help you visualise what you truly want and identify why so you are able to take the right steps forward.

W - Will
Life Coaches help you turn your actions into "I will's" and encourage you to look at goals from all angles to make sure you are making the right decisions for you.

X - eXhilarating
Life Coaching is exhilarating. It's invigorating. You will have a strong sense of excitement and happiness as you achieve the life you truly deserve.  You will benefit along with others around you as you become your true authentic self.

Y - You
Life Coaching is about being You. Nobody else. You - exactly as you want you to be!

Z - Zzzz
With a new you, you will be balanced and stress free so you will be able to enjoy a peaceful night's sleep!

I hope you enjoyed this article and I sincerely would love to be able to help you become your real you. Please do give me a call to find out how we can work together to achieve your desires.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Procrastination helps you get things done!

Procrastination helps you get things done!  "What?" I hear you say. "Isn't procrastination when you keep putting off what you need to do?!"

Well, today I procrastinated and got loads done as I was putting off what I should have been doing!  Nick had taken the boys to football and I had to go around and put my flyers on noticeboards, and in shops, and speak to people to see if they minded having some leaflets.

So instead of doing that, I thought I'd better just tidy up the kitchen first. And then, sort some washing out. And whilst sorting out some washing, there were old clothes hanging up in the wardrobe which the children had grown out of. And of course they needed bagging up for 'Bag 2 school'. And then, I thought I'd just quickly sort out some paperwork. Oh and of course, there's Operation Christmas Child which I'd been meaning to sort out too.  So you see, by procrastinating I really did get a lot done!

So then I had a good internal chat with myself.  "So what is it that's putting you off from distributing flyers?!" And I realised that I didn't want to put upon people who didn't want them (which of course, I wouldn't be doing!). And being a recently qualified Life Coach is becoming a bit real now as I need to get out there and advertise - this is all a bit scary. So I gave myself a good talking to! "You are qualified now.  You wouldn't be qualified if you weren't capable. You are good enough to do this. There are people out there who need you, so get out there and distribute those flyers!"

And, you'll be pleased to know, I did go out and distribute some flyers too.  Not as much as I'd originally planned to do but I made a good start! And I now realise, it's not that bad at all.  So I'm now feeling more confident to carry on and distribute some more next week.

So next time you're procrastinating, have a good chat with yourself to find out what's stopping you and when you realise it's not that bad, you can make a little start to give you confidence to do some more.

Hope this article has inspired you to see the positive side of procrastination and to motivate you to just start off by doing a little bit.  Small steps can produce big results.

For more information on Life Coaching, please visit

Thursday 8 November 2012

What is Life Coaching?

Put simply, Life Coaches help you get from where you are now to where you want to be by setting goals, looking at what’s stopping you and coming up with steps to help you get there.

It could be that you want to lose weight, or give up smoking, or change career, or improve your relationship with partner/children/family. You might want to increase your income or become more confident or have a less stressful life.  This list is endless. If you have an area in your life which you want to improve but are finding it difficult to do so on your own, then a Life Coach can help you.

By using powerful questions, tools & techniques, Life Coaches can help raise your awareness to see what’s preventing you from achieving these desires. Life Coaches are trained to help inspire and motivate you and show you how your subconscious mind could be holding you back so you are then able to take steps to move forward.
Life Coaches help you realise your values in life so you can see what’s important to you and at the same time help you take responsibility for taking action in your life.  In fact, Life Coaches often say you are response-able (you are able to respond!).

Life Coaches don’t give advice as you are the expert in your life. Life Coaches expertise lies in asking you the right questions so you can come up with the right conclusions.
If you have an area or areas in your life which you would like to improve, speak to a Life Coach to see how they can help you.

For more information, please feel free to visit me on
I am based in Oxfordshire but Life Coaching can be done nationally and even internationally now as it is just as effective over the phone or on Skype.
I hope this answers your question but please feel free to email me if you have any further questions:

Wishing you a happy life!