Friday 11 January 2013

8 Tips to help you keep your New Year's Resolutions

Over the last week, I've been adding some mini daily tips on keeping New Year's Resolutions to my 'I Can Life Coaching' page on Facebook.  So I thought I would consolidate them on my blog to share. I hope you find them helpful.

"Begin with the end in mind" Stephen Covey
Tip 1. Be specific. What exactly is it that you want? Visualise it. Close your eyes and dream you've already achieved it. What do you see? Really feel the emotions you will feel when you have it. What do you hear? What are people saying to you? Try to use all your senses in this visualisation and take as long as you need dreaming and imagining you already have it. Really play with it. How good does it feel? To take this further, why not make a vision board by cutting out pictures from magazines so you have something to remind you daily.

Keep learning and adjusting
Tip 2.  Don't give up when you fall at the first hurdle!! Or possibly more hurdles! Many of us give up on our New Year's Resolutions when we are unable to keep them up. Keep going even when things get in the way. Learn from what's got in your way and work out ways to overcome it. Remember to climb a mountain, you need to take one step at a time! A lot of New Year's Resolutions revolve around setting new habits, be easy on yourself and allow yourself time to adjust! Good luck and keep going! Remember the famous Thomas Edison quote: "I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways which didn't work". Most successful people become successful by overcoming obstacles and not giving up. Learn from the past and keep moving forward. You will get there.

Tip 3. Give yourself a deadline. I know this may sound like pressure to some and sometimes you don't know how long something will take but give yourself a date as it helps keep you focused. Your subconscious mind will be able to help you if you have a date (otherwise you can do it next week/month/year instead)! Have you noticed if you want to lose weight for a wedding or holiday or if you have an event to train for etc, this helps give you something to aim for. Remember to make it as realistic as you can. And if the worst comes to the worst and you're unable to make that deadline, then all you have to do is change it! But it definitely helps to keep you focused if you have something to aim for. To make it more exciting, plan a treat for yourself when you've made successes (not food treats if you're dieting!). A spa, manicure, new outfit etc I'm sure you can think of plenty of treats! Now what date are you going to set for that treat when you've made an achievement towards your resolution?

Tip 4. Ensure your resolution is for "You". It has to be something you really want to do for yourself. Also make sure resolutions aren't about trying to change someone else (only they can change themselves!)

Tip 5. Phrase your resolution positively. For example rather than saying I want to lose weight, say I want to weigh *......* (fill in the blank!) Focus on how much you want to lose (remember the tip about being specific). And don't forget the tip about the deadline so put a date in there too! By phrasing positively, you will help your subconscious mind help you to achieve this - as you are saying exactly what you want. If I say 'Don't think of a pink flying elephant', your mind will probably still imagine it, it can't differentiate. This is often why telling toddlers not to do something, results in the opposite! Say what you want rather than what you don't want!

Tip 6. Whilst we're talking about ways to phrase your Resolutions, make it 'Present' too. This really opens up your mind to your possibilities, as it acts as if you already have it. This is why affirmations are great. The more you say something, the more you start to believe it. That's how we get beliefs in the first place. To make it present, say things like, I have, I am etc. If it still feels really strange, put a date in front of it ie By (date), I weigh ........ (insert weight!) or By (date), I am a non-smoker - Whoah - how does that feel? Scary? Exciting? It's a great step forward. Keep saying it daily!

Tip 7. Make sure your resolutions fit in with your values in life. Think about what's important to you in life and see if your resolution fits in with them. For example if your resolution is 'boring', but 'fun' is a high priority for you, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve it without making your resolution more fun. Values are words like adventure, family, fun, honesty etc. I have a big list of value words to help you tick and cross out the ones applicable to you. Please let me know if you'd like it. You can have it for free!

Tip 8. Make your resolution measurable.  This helps you see your achievement.  Ask yourself 'How will I know I've achieved this?' It could be that your clothes feel looser or the scales or tape measure show results or it could even be a chart to record the actions you have taken.

Well that's it for my tips at the moment. I could go on forever but I don't want the article to go on too long!

If you'd like more tips, please feel free to follow me on:


Nicolina Zarola

Visit my website at:

Telephone: (01993) 824993

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