Friday 25 January 2013

What's the Number 1 secret to keeping your New Year's Resolution?

This may sound obvious but the number 1 secret to keeping your New Year's Resolution is to Never Give Up!  Keep reading and all will be revealed!

Why is it that we have a bad week and things don't go to plan so we end up saying something like: "That's it. I can't do this. I'm giving up. It's not for me" etc and then we try to justify why it isn't for us.  I've done it and you've probably done it.  When losing weight, I've relapsed so thought "Well, I might as well have that Pizza and that Ice-cream and that massive bit of cake then" and give up totally and then justify it by saying "Well, life is for living. If you can't enjoy your food, then what's the point?!"

That is the point. Life is for living - which is why we don't want a 'permanently' bad diet. It's all about balance. 

Hopefully, you're keeping your New Year's Resolution but the Media tell us that most of us give up within the first month or even in February (for the stronger willed!) So we listen to them and believe that the same will happen to us.  Don't listen to them!! You're telling your subconscious mind that it won't work. Instead tell your subconscious mind that it will work for you

It's important to focus on your resolution and know where you want to go. Think of your subconscious mind as your Taxi Driver. If you tell him exactly where you want to go, he will take you straight there but if you tell him you're not sure, how will he know where to go (or she, if it's a female Taxi Driver!) The people who succeed are the ones who keep going. If J K Rowling stopped after being turned down by multiple publishers, we wouldn't have heard of Harry Potter. The Walt Disney Theme Park concept was turned down 302 times, but they kept going!

So what do you do if you've given up - how do you get back on track?
Learn from your past.  Ask yourself why you gave up. What happened? Was your resolution too challenging or too boring maybe? What do you need to do differently this time to get back on track again.  Keep going and every time an obstacle arises, do the same thing again.  Learn from it and adjust.

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got"

Believe in yourself. You can do it!

I hope this article has inspired you to keep up your New Year's Resolution or to get back on track with it.  For more tips on keeping them, see my previous blog.  Sharing your New Year's Resolution with someone else is always a good thing to do to help keep you on track. So talk to a good friend about it or feel free to contact me, as a Life Coach, I would love to help.

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I would love to hear your stories about your New Year's Resolutions. What do you do to keep on track? OR what challenges have you found? Please comment below ...

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