Thursday 23 May 2013

April Newsletter

I Can Life Coaching April Newsletter

I Can Life Coaching -
April Newsletter

♫ ♫ I'm dreaming of a white Easter! ♫ 

Well, we did have a few flakes over Easter and the coldest March for 50 years too which is unbelievable particularly as my last newsletter was looking forward to the beginning of Spring! It's a shame we've had such a cold snap when so many of us were looking forward to beautiful, warm, springy days, so I thought I would base this newsletter on what happens when things don't go according to plan! Hope you had a great Easter weekend, by the way!

"Well you can either laugh or cry" I've heard many times and it is so true! Quite often we can feel like crying when things go wrong but sometimes, we choose to laugh instead - as it's often so ridiculous! The truth of the matter is it's all down to our choice as to what we decide to do.  And for most of the time, I'd certainly choose to laugh where I can rather than cry - although there are times, when a good old cry can certainly release a lot of built up tension! But the trick, I think is not to let that happen too often. If it's happening too often it's a sign that things are out of balance somewhere and could do with addressing!

My favourite equation is O=E+R.  I try to use it as often as I can and the more often I use it, the more natural it becomes. It stands for Outcome equals Event plus Reaction. Imagine you are late for an important event and you are on the motorway when you get stuck in traffic. What do you do? Do you scream and shout at the cars in front, moan about the roadworks, shout at other passengers in the car maybe or do you stop and think "There's nothing I can do about this, so I will stick on my favourite music and make the most of this extra time?" What is the Outcome you want? Do you want to be stressed or would you rather turn up relaxed to this event? Whatever Outcome you want, can help you decide what your Reaction could be to this Event! It's really worth taking some time to think about this; as often we can choose the wrong Reaction which generally has a snowball effect on the rest of the day too. Have you ever had days when everything seems to go wrong? This can often put us in a bad mood and others react to us accordingly.  If we choose to be more positive, it can have a massive impact on our day and the way other people react to us too.  Feel free to try it out and see for yourself! I'd love to hear how you get on, please feel free to email me and let me know your stories on how it's worked for you!
Giving up

Life can often be so simple really! Do you know why most people don't stick to their New Year's Resolutions or Goals? Well, it's simply because they give up! The trick is to accept that there will be obstacles and challenges along the way but when they happen, stop, assess what's happened and work out ways to continue moving forward. Think of your goal as the top of a mountain. To get to the top, you need to take one step at a time. When you get to the top, it's a result of all those little steps you took! You didn't give up and turn back around! Sometimes your limiting beliefs get in the way or you may set goals which aren't congruent with your values.  Life Coaches can help you gain clarity on what gets in the way and they will also help you set goals in line with your values.
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The Serenity Prayer - God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change... courage to change the things I can... and wisdom to know the difference -
Reinhold Niebuhr

Famous people who have overcome challenges!

Albert Einstein couldn't speak until he was almost 4 and teachers said he wouldn't amount to much.

Walt Disney was fired for lacking imagination and his Theme Park concept was rejected 302 times.

The Beatles were told they had no future in show business.

J K Rowling was turned down by multiple publishers.

Helen Keller was deaf and blind and successfully promoted women's rights.

Winston Churchill overcame stuttering and poor perfomance at school.

Thomas Edison (even though he wasn't the inventor of the lightbulb), produced the first commercially viable one and is famous for saying he didn't fail, he just found 10,000 ways which didn't work!

Henry Ford went broke 5 times before succeeding.

Howard Schultz (Starbucks) was turned down by banks 242 times.

Stephen Spielberg was rejected from Film School 3 times.

Stephen King received 30 rejections before becoming a successful author.

Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985 (the company he had created)!

Michael Jordan was cut from his High School basketball team.

The list could go on and on! There are many things which can get in the way but believing in yourself, persistence, resilience & determination are top common traits for people who overcome challenges.
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