Wednesday 14 August 2013

What's all this talk about positive thinking?!

I Can Life Coaching Summer Newsletter

I Can Life Coaching -
Summer Newsletter


What's all this talk about positive thinking?!

I have sometimes heard and even thought in the past things like 'So if I positively think and believe that the sun will come out, will it?' Obviously I didn't believe it would - especially if it was tipping down with rain! And not surprisingly, all the positive thinking in the world, wouldn't force the sun to come out!

So how can you think positively then and expect positive results?

The beauty of positive thinking is to not control the outcome but to embrace whatever happens.

So when it rains and people say 'It's good for the garden" - that is actually positive thinking!  We need the rain! Whatever life gives you, it's all an experience. Have you ever heard the expression "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." We have a mixture of life experiences and the more we can embrace them, the more we can enjoy our lives.

The more we enjoy and embrace our lives, the more enjoyable it becomes too as we can see things as they really are.  Have you ever heard that 'like attracts like'? A great example is if you meet somebody and they are unpleasant towards you, how do you react to them? Probably in a similar way. Likewise if they are pleasant and friendly towards you, how would you react to them then? You would most likely be pleasant and friendly towards them too.  It's one of life's natural ways of building rapport - (when in Rome, do as the Romans do)!

A colleague of mine recently tried a whole day of being negative and a whole day of being positive just to see how people reacted towards her and as you can guess, on her negative day, people were grumpy towards her and avoided her; whereas on her positive day, people were much nicer and friendlier.

So what about the flip side to positivity? What about the negative life experiences we have? Again, it's trying to see them as they are.  Life isn't always plain sailing - and it's just as well.  We really wouldn't be able to appreciate the good times if they were all good! Sometimes particularly sad things happen (i.e. death) and it's perfectly natural to grieve and to be sad & upset but you will probably notice though that as time goes by, you will remember the good times and will smile about some of your happy memories.

So you see, life is all about balance and sometimes when something seems to be negative (including being made redundant), you may find that in time, this can turn into a more positive experience as it can give you time to reflect and think about what you really want. Very often in life as one door closes, another one opens. Have you ever looked back on your life and realised that what may have felt like a bad time actually was a valuable learning experience?

Positive thinking isn't about expectations, it's about seeing the best out of situations.

So where you can, try to 'Look on the bright side of life!'
If you need a helping hand on being more positive in your life or if you would like to find out more about Life Coaching please feel free to contact me on (01993) 824993 or click on your preferred link below:
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Some tools to feel happy:

Tool number 1:

Put a smile on your face!

Apparently, just by smiling, we send signals to our brains that we are happy (regardless of whether we actually are or not!)

So keep smiling!
Tool number 2:

The power of gratitude

Just by spending time appreciating what you have can lift your spirits enormously!

The more you do this, the more you appreciate and the happier you will feel.

It can be absolutely anything:  breathing; appreciating what you can see; having a comfy bed to sleep on; appreciating what people in your life give you; appreciating your food; appreciating the emotions people make you feel etc

Why not try this Attitude of Gratitude!
Tool number 3:

You get what you focus on

If you focus on being sad and unhappy, that's what you will get.

If you focus on being happy and all the good things in your life, that's what you will get!

Sounds too simple doesn't it! But it's the 'like attracts like'

You don't need to travel the world to find happiness. It's right there inside of you! 
Tool number 4:

Find time to do things you enjoy doing

Even if it's just for 5 or 10 minutes a day, you can change your state of mind very quickly.

Think about what you enjoy doing and spend time doing it, it could be:
Walking (nature is incredibly powerful)
Listening to uplifting music
Dancing around your living room (dance like no-one's watching!)
Laughter Therapy
Relaxing to music
Having quiet 'me time'

This is a very short list. So think about what you enjoy doing and set aside some time to do it!
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All content is the opinion of myself and you are encouraged to make your own opinions and decisions in your life suitable for you!

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