Wednesday 26 June 2013

June Newsletter - Are we there yet?

I Can Life Coaching June Newsletter

I Can Life Coaching -
June Newsletter


Are we there yet?!

Are we there yet?!  Sound familiar? Starting in childhood, we all like to know where we are going and how long it will take to get there.  This really is the basis of Life Coaching so we can set clear goals (or aims if you're not keen on the word 'goal')!  The Goal is always the aim; it's what we focus on.  Even if  you don't know what you want, you can set your goal to find out what you do want. One of Stephen Covey's habits is 'Begin with the end in mind'.  This is your Goal or your aim. You first need to know where you're going in order to get there. Once your subconscious mind knows what you want, it can help you get there.  "You get what you focus on".  Once you've established your goal, you can look at why it's important to you and what you already have to help you achieve it and also what you don't have 'yet'.  Again, the word 'yet'.  What do you need? Do you need skills? Or resources maybe?  Look at what you need and how you can get it. Remember - you can get there, even if it's not yet!
How are your New Year's Resolutions going?

Talking about yet, have you achieved your New Year's Resolutions yet?  If you have, well done and don't forget to remember what kept you going so you can to learn from it to help you when achieving future resolutions/goals/aims!

If you haven't achieved them 'yet', what are you currently doing about them? Are you still working towards them (or it) or maybe you've given up? Have you been reviewing them to see what you've learnt and how you can improve on them?

Don't forget, most successful people don't succeed straight away. They keep learning from their past mistakes until they succeed. Remember a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.

If you find it difficult achieving resolutions by yourself then Life Coaching can help you get clear on exactly what you want so you can set out an action plan to achieve them.
If you would like to find out more about Life Coaching or if you would like to connect with me, please click on the relevant following link:
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So many people give up when they are nearly there!

Come along to Kriss Kross' latest charity event ...
Group Life Coaching Session
Wednesday 10th July
at Kriss Kross, Shilton Park, Carterton

Click this box for more details
Tips for setting Goals

Make them SMART!
  • Specific - What 'exactly' do you want?
  • Measurable - How will you know when you've achieved it?
  • Action - What actions do you need to take?
  • Realistic - How realistic is your goal?
  • Timebound - When do you want to achieve it by?
It's also important to:
  • Visualise yourself having achieved the goal.
  • Write goals down and review them regularly. What have you done to move you closer to achieving the goal and what else can you do?
  • Make them exciting, fun and challenging? Boring goals are so much more difficult to achieve. How can you make it more interesting or how can you reward yourself regularly for your achievements towards them.
  • Make sure they are within your control and for you (not for someone else).
  • Set them in the present tense for example By 1st December I weigh 60KG.
  • Make them positive. Rather than saying I want to stop smoking. Say By 31st December I am a non-smoker. 
For a more detailed guide on setting goals, please click on the link below:
Please send me The Guide to Setting Goals ebook
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